CHAPTER 11: Surrendering to the Future
• In his provincial’s decision to delay his theology studies,
Fr. Martin met with disappointment. Yet his spiritual
director suggested that God might be “forming” him
through this difficult time (p. 278). What painful experiences
have formed you?
• How do you understand Walter Ciszek’s insight that God’s
will is found in the “reality of the situation” (p. 281)?
• Sister Janice suggested that an important part of life is
learning to “surrender to the future that God has in store
for you”—even when that includes suffering (p. 284). In
what areas of your life have you had to “surrender”?
Where did that surrender lead?
• The Ignatian approach to suffering includes an imaginative
encounter with the Jesus who has suffered. Do you
believe that God is “with you” as you go through difficult
times? How have you experienced this?
• In his provincial’s decision to delay his theology studies,
Fr. Martin met with disappointment. Yet his spiritual
director suggested that God might be “forming” him
through this difficult time (p. 278). What painful experiences
have formed you?
• How do you understand Walter Ciszek’s insight that God’s
will is found in the “reality of the situation” (p. 281)?
• Sister Janice suggested that an important part of life is
learning to “surrender to the future that God has in store
for you”—even when that includes suffering (p. 284). In
what areas of your life have you had to “surrender”?
Where did that surrender lead?
• The Ignatian approach to suffering includes an imaginative
encounter with the Jesus who has suffered. Do you
believe that God is “with you” as you go through difficult
times? How have you experienced this?